
Member Benefits
WAVC members have private access to the views of prominent and thought leaders from business, politics, sports and entertainment, academia, and more. Not only do members learn and get new ideas on a range of relevant topics, but they can socialize with venture colleagues in a casual, convenient and exclusive environment.

WAVC members also meet with their peers through annual tennis and golf tournaments that support local charitable causes.

Requirements for Membership
WAVC membership is limited to companies whose primary business activity is venture capital equity investments. Member’s principal offices must be located in Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada or Arizona. And their minimum discretionary investment authority on capital is $10 million.

Application Process
Venture firms interested in joining WAVC may complete the online form below. An annual fee of $1,500 will be billed upon acceptance of members.

Fields marked with an * are required

Company Name *

Company Address *

Main Contact Name *

Main Contact Email Address *

Additional Email Address to receive invitations *

Membership Term *